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Showing posts from September, 2013

From Digital Project to STAAD

In this project the aim was to export a form created by Digital Project into STAAD. STAAD is a structural analysis software that will help validate the durability of the design in overcoming the various structural forces against it.  The images below are of the form from the DP, not STAAD. The 3D model required additional information to enable the structural analysis to be properly preformed. The images ( 1 to 5 ) show the different alterations of form that will be tested using STAAD. Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5

The Interactive Skin

In this assignment the aim was to take the next step in Digital Project - moving from the 2D sketch to the 3D environment. The intention was to create a punctured skin that is parametric essence.   Throughout the development of the skin, I maintained the step by step process in the given tutorials, but I have purposely manipulated the base geometry manually to explore the limits and logic of the surface's geometry.      The images below demonstrate the alteration of the form, and the last images (9 and 10) are an example of the error that could occur when the logic is disrupted. I consider the last step as equally important as the development, because it shows both the limits and intelligence of the digital environment.   Image 1       Image 2   From both Image 1 and 2, we can understand the base geometry and the indented form. The organizati...

Parametrics In The Human Anatomy

The human arm, in function, and as one of the many parts of the human body, expresses the ultimate parametric relationship between its components (muscle and bone). Through each of the arm's parts, we can fined a carefully established relationship to help in its functionality - in this case, motion. Furthermore, The arm presented is in an abstracted manner, transformed from its organic form into a geometrically based construct. The aim of  using the geometry in this study, will help in analyzing the overall relationship of the components, in addition, to the forces of compression and tension on and within the muscles while they are motorizing the arm. One of the challenges in constructing a digital 'human arm' based on pure mathematical relationships, is the fact that, the human arm includes no exact measurements. There are variations in the bone structure, so the average or the standard, almost does not exist. On the other hand, the structure its...