In this assignment the aim was to take the next step in Digital Project - moving from the 2D sketch to the 3D environment. The intention was to create a punctured skin that is parametric essence.
Throughout the development of the skin, I maintained the step by step process in the given tutorials, but I have purposely manipulated the base geometry manually to explore the limits and logic of the surface's geometry.
The images below demonstrate the alteration of the form, and the last images (9 and 10) are an example of the error that could occur when the logic is disrupted. I consider the last step as equally important as the development, because it shows both the limits and intelligence of the digital environment.
Image 1
Image 2
From both Image 1 and 2, we can understand the base geometry and the indented form. The organization might be simple - compare to the last assignment - but, it is the finding that are interesting, the software's performance when the geometrical constructs and constraints are interrupted.
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7
Image 8
Image 7 and 8 show the last of exploring the surface's dynamic form through manipulating its base geometry in the sketch (2D plane). As for the images 9 and 10 (below), they demonstrate the error when the base geometry is disrupted, such my occur from over lapping of geometry which in result effects the reference point from which the "multisurface" curve can be generated from. Some other cases of surface generating errors are related to over constrains in addition to the over lapping which both were found in this assignment.
Image 9
Image 10
Image 11
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