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Showing posts from November, 2013

Algorithms: Design of Experiments

Design for experiments is an algorithmic based tool that is found in DP, which help the designer - us in this case - to evaluate and provide a set of possibilities for a designed object. This algorithmic approach and the operation of the tool relies on the set of data (input) provided that derive and control the possible results (outcomes); data in this case, are derived from the parameters that control the sketch. The value of this digital tool - and this computational approach - is to tackle design issues through a an infinite set of possibilities and outcomes, each of these results are evaluated based on measured properties, for example, in this assignment, the volume of the altered object is the source of evaluation.  Image 1: as any of the previous projects that have been presented, creating the sketch is the initial step. In this sketch the geometry (circle) is constrained and controlled through the construction geometry (horizontal and vertical lines), which are a

Knowledge Patterns: Surface Panelling

We have been working for the past five weeks with Powercopies, a replication tool in Digital Project. But, the last couple of weeks we have been introduced to UDFs (User Identified Features), a tool similar to the powercopy, but much more advanced in the process of replication. we started exploring some of its abilities and potential last week ( and continued this week to explore its power to panel a surface, basically, the possibility to cover a surface with a large of the same unit while being generatively responsive to its context. In part two of Knowledge patterns we will cover the framework that we have developed last week with tiles (in this assignment; surfaces).   A short brief on UDFs, they are similar in nature to power copies (replication tool), but are used to cover large areas with large numbers of the same unit (geometrical set that consists of curve, surfaces, point, parameters, constraints, rules

Folding: From The Physical To The Digital

This post is the third on the series of "folding" assignments. The earlier attempt of this project ( did not show satisfying results. The form was controlled through a number of constraints and parameters that were not correctly assigned to the geometry, and the geometry itself in terms of its relationship - between one geometry and another - was not very well understood. So, in this post, the process of creating a "part" and a product was further investigated to achieve the required geometrical form and behavior.  Image 1: shows the intended form. The photos is from Paul Jackson's book "Folding Techniques For Designers From Sheet to Form".  Image 2: to be able to construct this form, first we will have to breakdown the geometry into individual  unit (a complete set of surfaces). Then this unit will be even broken down to individual surfaces, each surface will be separately placed

Biomimetic (Folding Continued)

This post includes a modified version of the first Folding assignment (, but with an influence of natural forms. This Biomimetic approach was inspired by the Mimosa Pudica "shy Plant". The basic principles of folding geometry are the same in this project and the previous one, and will consist of two main phases: first, the part, which is the design element (e.g. surface, curve, etc.). Second, is the assembly or "product", which is the mood of organizing all the parts together.    Image 1: this image shows the Mimosa Pudica (, notice how the leaves are folding. The plant itself reveals the information required to successfully complete this project. The leaves are organized on a central spine that helps one side of the leaf to be - if we use DP terminologies - constrained to it. As for the other side, which will respond to the preceding leaf (either throu

Knowledge Patterns

For the last three weeks we have been working with powercopies (smart cells), understanding the potential, behavior, advantage, and logic of such a digital element in the design process. In "Knowledge Patterns", which is the assignment for this week, we are scripting the instantiation process of the User Defined Feature (UDF) or "special powercopies". This process allows us to achieve the required complexity in a digital model (through increasing or reducing the use of powercopies on a surface). In addition, the automated - and parametrically driven - process also allows the possibility for adjusting and revising the work, unlike the previous attempts in using powercopies.  In this assignment, and after going through the "bigger picture" and goals of knowledge patterns, we first create the layout (framework) for the work that will follow. But, in knowledge patterns the process will be slightly different and a will include a level of procedural